
  • The jury has returned a guilty verdict in the so-called "American Sniper" case. We talk to Attorney Dan Small about the flaws in a "by reason of insanity" defense, and then we talk to you about how the justice system navigates mental health. 
  • Brian McGrory checks in with us about the bad news cycle Boston is stuck in, Tsarnaev's graduating class, and Jim's penchant for coffee.
  • Congressman Bill Keating briefs us on the potential government shut down, then we talk to Juliette Kayyem about the finances of Boston 2024. >> Read more here.
  • Art Caplan gives us the ethicist' take on Fifty Shades of Gray, checks in with us about end of life issues, and digs into new research on preventing peanut allergies. >> Read more here.
  • Elliot Ackerman, journalist, novelist, and five time war veteran, stops in to discuss his first work of fiction, Green on Blue, about US invasion of Afghanistan. >>Read more here. Or >>Download our podcast here.
  • Then we check in with you about Oliver Sacks' autobituary. Did you read it? How would you chose to live the last few months of your life?
  • Sue O'Connell gives us her take on Boston School superintendent search, the gays in ancient Greece, and Michael Sam dancing with the stars.