
  • CNN's John King — host of  Inside Politics  Sundays at 8:30 A.M. — joined Jim and Margery to talk about Pres. Obama's foreign policy challenges, as well as midterms looming only 63 days away. (Starts at 1:00)
  • Gubernatorial candidate  Donald Berwick  was back for a final interview before the Mass. state primary on May 9th. Donald Berwick is a former Obama health care administrator. (Starts at 25:30)
  • Have we moved from an economy of ownership to renter-ship? Have things like Zipcar and Hubway eliminated the need to buy the goods we used to? Harvard Business School historian  Nancy Koehn  looked at our new economy of sharing. Koehn is the author of  Ernest Shackleton Exploring Leadership (Starts at 49:40)
  • Jim and Margery took calls on whether people are welcoming the new share-and-rent economy. (Starts at 1:08:53)
  • Attorney General  Martha Coakley  also joined Jim and Margery for her final pre-Primary interview. (Starts at 1:27:49)