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Harnessing the Bioelectric Potential of Cells for Regeneration

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Date and time
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Professor Michael Levin and his colleagues at the Tufts Center for Regeneration and Developmental Biology, Tufts University, have demonstrated that manipulation of voltage gradients in embryonic cells can alter physical structure. For example, such manipulation can produce functional eyes in odd places like the tadpole gut and regenerate tissue where that capacity is thought to be lost. The Levin Lab investigates how cells store and process the information and patterns that produce a complex 3-dimensional organism. A central feature of that research involves the study of the broad potential of voltage gradients in cells. Progress in these areas suggests a range of potential benefits for medicine, including the possibility of regenerating organs, limbs and tissues, and curing numerous diseases such as cancer.

Yvonne Stapp runs Science for the Public, a grassroots organization whose mission is to improve public understanding of science. Science is essential to the vitality of modern culture, and science depends on public commitment to the scientific community