If “war is what happens when language fails,” as Margaret Atwood once wrote, then the Christmas truce is proof that peace is what happens when language prevails.

On Christmas Eve of 1914, allied troops laid down their rifles and stepped out of the trenches when they heard their German enemies singing carols. They shouted messages to each other across the battlefield; they came together and celebrated Christmas in a remarkable expression of goodwill.

It’s a moment of history now being recalled and coming to life in “All is Calm,” a show that blends music, song and first-hand accounts. Weylin Symes and Arthur Gomez of Greater Boston Stage Company’s creative team join The Culture Show to talk about the return of their award-winning production.

Then Edgar B Herwick III turns up the volume on Boston’s music scene, convening a concert roundup reviewing recent concerts and previewing what's to come; he's joined by GBH producers Haley Lerner, Max Chow-Gillette and Molly McCaul.