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Thomas Stewart

Chief Marketing and Knowledge Officer, Booz & Company

Thomas Stewart is the chief marketing and knowledge officer of Booz & Company, a global management consulting firm. In this position, Stewart leads Booz & Company's marketing, intellectual capital, and knowledge management efforts. Prior to joining Booz & Company, he was the editor and managing director of Harvard Business Review from 2002–2008. He has also served as the editorial director of Business 2.0 and a member of the Board of Editors of Fortune magazine. In a series of Fortune articles, he pioneered the field of intellectual capital, which led to his 1997 book *Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations*. His second book, *Wealth of Knowledge: Intellectual Capital and the Twenty-first Century Organization*, reveals how today's companies are applying the concept of intellectual capital in their operations to increase success in the marketplace. Stewart is a senior adviser to the Center for Work-Life Policy, a consortium of business leaders seeking new solutions to energy issues. He is also a fellow of the World Economic Forum. In 2005, the European Foundation for Management Development named him 17th on its "Thinkers 50" list of the 50 most influential management thinkers.