Pat Choate
Pat Choate was H. Ross Perot's running mate in the 1996 Presidential elections. He is the Director of the Manufacturing Policy Project, previously worked as Director of Research and Planning for the Oklahoma Industrial Development Commission, as Tennessee’s first Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, as the Director of the Appalachian and then Southern Regional Offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, as Director of the EDA Office of Economic Research, as the Senior Economist in the Office of Management and Budget’s Trade Reorganization Project, as a Fellow at the Battelle Institute’s Academy for Contemporary Problems and as Vice President of Public Policy at TRW, Inc. He has served on several Presidential and Congressional commissions on education, infrastructure and national security. He was a co-founder of the Congressional Economic Leadership Institute and served as its Chair or Co-Chair for 18 years. He is known for work on development economics and serves on the board of directors of the Federation for American Immigration Reform,. He is also on the Board of Directors for the American Innovators for Patent Reform.