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Nazila Fathi

journalist, translator, commentator

**Nazila Fathi** is a journalist, translator, and commentator on Iran who reported out of the country for nearly two decades until 2009, when threats from the Iranian government forced her into exile. From 2001 to 2009, Fathi was based in Tehran as the only full-time \_New York Times\_ correspondent in Iran, writing over 2,000 articles; prior to that, she wrote for \_TIME\_ magazine, and \_Agence France-Presses\_. Her writing has also appeared in the \_New York Review of Books, Foreign Policy,\_ and \_Nieman Reports\_. Fathi is the translator of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi’s book \_History and Documentation of Human Rights in Iran\_, and has been interviewed on CNN, BBC, CBC, and NPR. She received her MA in political science from the University of Toronto in 2001 and is the recipient of numerous fellowships, including the Raoul Wallenberg Fellowship at Lund University, a Nieman Fellowship for journalism at Harvard University, a Shorenstein Fellowship at the Harvard Kennedy School, and she was an associate at the Harvard Belfer Center. [Follow Nazila Fathi on Twitter](https://twitter.com/nazilafathi "Nazila Fathi")