Madeleine Rothberg
Senior Subject Matter Expert
For more than 20 years, Madeleine has led NCAM’s efforts in educational standards, metadata on the web, health IT solutions and transit communications. She promotes accessible solutions such as captions, talking software and audio description, as well as improvements to infrastructure through standards and consistent application of accessibility guidelines. Madeleine established the IMS Global Learning Consortium's Accessibility Working Group which created the Access For All specifications for personalized accessibility and participated in the publication of that work as ISO/IEC standard 24751. She served on the U.S. Department of Education’s National File Format Panel that developed the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) for publishers and the EPUB Accessibility working group. Madeleine also led development of the first-ever implementation of a fully accessible home media center. Her background in science and math contributes to success in making STEM education accessible to learners with visual impairments.