Lynn Hlatky
director, Center of Cancer Systems Biology, Tufts
Lynn Hlatky is the founding director of the Center of Cancer Systems Biology. She joined the Medical Center from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Department of Radiation Oncology at Harvard Medical School. The mission of the Center of Cancer Systems Biology is based on the appreciation that carcinogenesis evolves at multiple levels ranging from molecular signalings to cellular and tissue interactions, and that only by their concerted study can the entire process be understood. Accordingly, the Center has recruited people with expertise in clinical oncology, cancer biology, molecular biology, radiobiology, bioengineering, mathematics, informatics and computational biology. Dr. Hlatky also directs a multi-institutional NASA Specialized Center of Research Program, the mission of which is to investigate radiation-induced carcinogenesis of solid tumors. This Program involves active participation from investigators at University of CA Berkeley, Harvard Medical School and the University of Heidelberg.