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Julia Cort


Julia Cort is the Deputy Executive Producer for NOVA, PBS' flagship science series. Since joining the WGBH Science Unit, Julia has contributed to more than 90 films, including Making North America, The Fabric of the Cosmos, Smartest Machine on Earth and Chasing Pluto. She played a key role in developing and producing NOVA’s award-winning sister series, NOVA scienceNOW, and currently serves as executive producer of the new mini-series NOVA Wonders. In her quest to make complex science accessible to all, she has traveled deep underground to investigate the hunt for dark matter, been blindfolded and led to secret diamond-making factories, waded into leech-infested swamps, and attempted to re-create the technological feats of ancient Egyptian engineers. She is a recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award, the National Academies Keck Communication Award, the AAAS Science Journalism Award, the American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award, the National Association of Science Writers Science in Society Award and the News & Documentary Emmy. Photo Credit: American Association for the Advancement of Science