What matters to you.

Joseph DeLappe

associate professor, art, University of Nevada

Joseph DeLappe is an Associate Professor of the Department of Art at the University of Nevada where he directs the Digital Media program. Working with electronic and new media since 1983, his work in online gaming performance and electromechanical installation have been shown throughout the United States and abroad - including exhibitions and performances in Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Peru, China and the Netherlands. He was a 2008 Commissioned Resident Artist at the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center in New York City. In his 2006 dead-in-iraq project, he began typing, consecutively, all of the names of America's military casualties from the war in Iraq into the "America's Army" first person shooter online recruiting game. More here http://turbulence.org/upgrade\_boston/2010/02/joseph-delappe/