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Janusz Cisek

Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University “Polish investigation”

Janusz Cisek serves as Professor in the Center of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow where he heads the Program on History and Culture of Central Europe. He is also Director of the Museum of the Polish Army in Warsaw. He heads a major project to renovate the ruins of the Warsaw Citadel and relocate the Museum of the Polish Army, the Katyn Museum, there. Dr Cisek also served as expert for the Cultural Commission of the European Council in Strasburg (CD-CULT). He was a member of the Bureau responsible for Group ‘G’ that included Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia, Armenia and Azerbaijan (2001-02). Dr Cisek served as Director of the Josef Pilsudski Institute in New York (1992-2000) where he presented a major international conference “Wilsonian East-Central Europe: Current Perspectives” (1993). Dr Cisek frequently consults on U.S. and Polish historical television and movie productions, including the movie “Battle of Warsaw 1920.” He also directed a documentary “General Pulaski! Tu jestesmy” and wrote scripts for several historical documentaries including “General Anders malo znany”or “Olimpiady Kusego.” He cooperated closely with WNYE "Studio 3" Television,” Channel 25 in New York, provided advice to TVN Discovery-Historia, NBC Sports Illustrated Specials, TVP-Historia, and other American and European movie production companies. Dr Cisek also authored several scholarly publications including “Polish Refugees and the Polish American Immigration and Relief Committee” published by McFarland & Company in 2006.