What matters to you.

Jane Leavy

author and journalist

Jane Leavy is an author and journalist. She was a staff writer at *The Washington Post* from 1979 to 1988, covering baseball, tennis, and the Olympics. She also wrote features for the style section about sports, politics, and pop culture. Before joining the *The Washington Post*, Leavy was a staff writer at *Women Sports* and *Self* magazines. She has written for many publications, including *The New York Times*, *Newsweek*, *Sports Illustrated*, *The Village Voice*, and *The New York Daily News*. Leavy’s work has been anthologized in many collections, including *Best Sportswriting*, *Coach: 25 Writers Reflect on People Who Made a Difference*, *Child of Mine: Essays on Becoming a Mother*, *Nike Is a Goddess: The History of Women in Sports*, *Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend: Women Writers on Baseball*, *A Kind of Grace: A Treasury of Sportswriting by Women*, and *Making Words Dance: Reflections on Red Smith, Journalism and Writing*. Leavy attended Barnard College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She has two adult children, Nick and Emma Isakoff, and she lives in Washington, DC, and Truro, Massachusetts.