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Frederick Lawrence

director, Lonergan Workshop, Boston College

Frederick Lawrence received his AB from St. John's College and D. Th. & PhD at the University of Basel. He has wrote publications since 2002; *Expanding Challenge to Authenticity in Insight: Lonergan's Hermeneutics of Facticity, Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy & Education 15/3 (2004), 427-456; Grace and Friendship, Gregorianum 85/4 (2004), 795-820; Grace and Friendship: Postmodern Political Theology and God as Conversational, Il Teologo e la Storia: Lonergan's Centenary (1904-2004), edited by Paul Gilbert and Natalino Spaccapelo (Rome: Editrice Pontificia Universit Gregoriana, 2006), 123-151; The Dialectic Tradition/Innovation and the Possibility of a Theological Method, Il Teologo e la Storia: Lonergan's Centenary (1904-2004), edited by Paul Gilbert and Natalino Spaccapelo (Rome: Editrice Pontificia Universit Gregoriana, 2006), 249-264.*