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Bill Littlefield

radio host, WBUR's Only A Game

Bill Littlefield, nationally known author and veteran sports commentator, hosts WBUR and National Public Radio's *Only A Game*, a weekly one-hour sports magazine. Littlefield has provided audiences with a weekly tour through the world of sports since 1993 from WBUR in Boston. The show has covered a wide range of sports topics, from the basics of who wins and loses to issues such as racism and career opportunities for the disabled. Littlefield has been a commentator for National Public Radio since 1984. Bill Littlefield's publications include: *Keepers: Radio Stories from Only A Game and Elsewhere; Baseball Days, a collection of essays with photographs by Henry Horenstein; Champions: The Stories of Ten Remarkable Athletes; a piece entitled "A Storied Career" in Ted Williams: A Portrait in Words and Pictures*; and *the novel Prospect*, for which he also wrote a screenplay. He is the editor of Houghton Mifflin's The Best American Sports Writing, 1998. In addition to writing books and essays, Littlefield has regularly contributed commentaries to *Monitor Television's Opinion Page*, as well as in *The Atlanta Constitution, The Los Angeles Times,* and *Newsday*. Bill Littlefield has won six Associated Press Awards, and has been celebrated as one of Boston's "Literary Lights" by the associates of the Boston Public Library. He is a graduate of Yale University (cum laude) and the Harvard University of Education.