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Angelos Pangratis

Greek ambassador to the US

Angelos Pangratis is the senior career official serving at the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States, in Washington, DC. He is the Deputy Head of Delegation, the Ambassador and Head of Delegation being John Bruton, ex-Prime Minister of Ireland. Angelos Pangratis is the former Ambassador and Head of Delegation for the European Commissions Delegation to Argentina (2003-05). He also served at senior functions in the Delegations of the European Commission in South Africa (1995-1997) and South Korea (1990-1994). Highlights of Mr. Pangratis' career at the EU's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, include being Head of Unit responsible for relations with China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, South Korea and Mongolia; Head of Unit for Personnel and Budget of the Directorate General: External Relations and Trade Policy ; Head of Investigation teams of the Anti-Dumping and Anti-Circumvention Division to name but a few positions. Mr. Pangratis has represented the European Commission at numerous Multilateral Organizations (WTO, OECD, Club de Paris, UNCTAD, others). Mr. Pangratis lectured at universities in the Czech Republic, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Korea, South Africa, Argentina and the United States. He had articles and interviews on EU matters published in many countries. Angelos Pangratis was born on the island of Corfu, Greece (1956), and is married with three children. Mr. Pangratis speaks Greek, French, English and Spanish. He has obtained a doctorate from the University of Paris I, Panthon Sorbonne (1983) in International Economics, Monetary Policies and Finance. This followed studies in Economics, European Studies and International Law at the Universities of St.-Etienne, Paris I and Paris II.