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Andrew Levine

director, The Day My God Died

Andrew Levine is a two-time grant recipient from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2000, he directed and produced The Price of Youth, a ten-minute expose chronicling the slave trade between Nepal and India. While working on the Emmy nominated The Day my God Died, completed in 2003, he compiled statistics and interviews from international agencies such as UNICEF, the United Nations, the Global Survival Network and the International Justice Mission. He also worked closely with the US/AID & the State Department, negotiated the collaboration of Congressman Jim McDermott, former Secretary Madeleine Albright and the Reebok Human Rights Foundation along with refugee camps for child castaways with AIDS. For the last two years, he has sat on the board of the Daywalka Foundation and continues to work with the Friends of Maiti Nepal.