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Amy Dockser Marcus

correspondent, Wall Street Journal

Amy Dockser Marcus is a correspondent for *The Wall Street Journal*. Marcus joined the newspaper after graduating from Harvard University in 1987 with a degree in history and literature. In 1991, she asked to serve as the paper's Middle East correspondent and covered the political conflict following the Persian Gulf War from Tel Aviv. Her fascination with political conflicts over biblical archaeological sites grew from two frontpage WSJ stories on the subject and culminated in her book, *The View from Nebo: How Archaeology is Rewriting the Bible and Reshaping the Middle East* (Little, Brown and Company, 2000). Now a 15-year WSJ veteran, Marcus is a staff reporter based in Boston and specializing in health. She is also the winner of a 2005 Pulitzer Prize for her series on cancer survivors. Nine stories in all, the series included three news articles related to cancer survival and six told through the eyes of an individual and his or her family, focusing on the different aspects of surviving cancer.