
The party conventions have wrapped up and the candidates are now back out on the trail. Mitt Romney was on NBC's Meet the Press yesterday, saying he supports certain parts of the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, Romney likes the popular provisions to allow those under 26 to stay on their parents' health insurance, and the fact that it allows those with preexisting conditions to have healthcare access. Meanwhile, President Obama hammered away at Romney's proposed tax plan by borrowing a line from his new comrade-in-arms, Bill Clinton, about how it's "bad math."

Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Scott Brown were busy over the weekend as well. Both candidates have ordered massive advertising expenditures over the next couple weeks. Prof. Warren continues to struggle to woo independent voters and even some moderate Democrats, while Scott Brown has been touting his efforts to reach across the aisle.


Scot Lehigh, columnist for the Boston Globe.

Graham Wilson, chair of the Department of Political Science at Boston University.