Should Massachusetts Schools Return To In-Person Learning This Fall?
Massachusetts has been releasing guidelines in preparation for the fall on how school districts should approach topics like facility cleaning, school bus rides, and scenarios in which various members of school communities get coronavirus — if they decide to return to in-person learning at all this fall. Different districts across the state are reaching different conclusions on the matter as Labor Day approaches.

To discuss, Jim Braude was joined by Dr. Sandra Nelson, an infectious disease physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who has also been advising the Baker administration on school reopening plans.

How Do The Children Of Famous Singers Deal With The Pressure? One Documentary Explores.
A lot of children decide to follow in their parents' footsteps, but when the family business is being a famous musician, the pressure to measure up can be intense. The documentary "Born Into The Gig" follows the stories of Bob Marley's grandson Skip, Stephen Stills' son Chris, the children of Carly Simon and James Taylor, Sally and Ben, and Bill Withers' daughter, Kori. The film will play at the Woods Hole Film Festival this weekend, which is being held online this year.

Jim Braude was joined by Sally Taylor and producer Tamara Weiss to discuss.

This segment originally aired November 6, 2019:
The Transformative Power Of VR For Elderly Users
Putting on a headset and sinking into a 3-D virtual world may seem like kids’ stuff to some. But increasingly, it’s the elderly who are discovering the transformative power of VR. Liz Neisloss reports.