Phase One Of MA’s Reopening Is Underway. But Without More Testing, We Could ‘End Up Getting Into Trouble’ In Phase Two, Says Harvard Public Health Expert
On Monday Governor Charlie Baker released the details of his plan for a phased ‘re-opening’ of Massachusetts in the midst of coronavirus. Jim Braude joined Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, to discuss the public health implications.

Bain Capital Co-Chairman Steve Pagliuca Says He Supports Gov. Charlie Baker’s Reopening Plan
As Baker released the details of the phased 're-opening' plan for Massachusetts, questions remained about what that would look like across different sectors, for both business owners and employees. Jim Braude joined Bain Capital Co-Chair and co-owner of the Boston Celtics, Stephen Pagliuca, to discuss.

Ready To Eat Out? It’s A Question That Divides The Restaurant Industry
On the same day New Hampshire restaurants were allowed to reopen for outdoor only dining, Massachusetts restaurants learned it will be at least another three weeks before they can do the same. What’s not clear is how ready people are to eat out again. Stephanie Leydon reports.