Coronavirus Officially Declared A ‘Pandemic’
The World Health Organization officially declared the spread of the novel coronavirus a ‘pandemic’ Wednesday, as countries around the globe enacted a range of policies to tamper down on transmission, such as banning large scale gatherings. But many questions remain in the United States, where the White House has sent mixed messages about the situation’s severity and the nation’s current testing capabilities, and state leaders have taken a range of moves at differing speeds. In Massachusetts, presumptive positive cases of the illness increased to 95 on Wednesday, the day after Governor Baker declared a state of emergency. To discuss, Jim Braude was joined by Rep. Jon Santiago, an emergency room physician at Boston Medical Center who also serves on the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health, and Eric McNulty, associate director of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative, a joint program of Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health and Kennedy School of Government.

Why Drug Manufacturers Don’t Invest In Taking On Superbugs
While hospitals around the country are doing what they can to prepare for an influx of coronavirus patients, there's another threat they're constantly battling: so-called ‘superbugs,’ or drug-resistant viruses that have killed thousands of people around the world. And as Stephanie Leydon reports, getting drug manufacturers to invest in potential cures has not been easy.

Why These Two Swimmers Chose To Swim In Dangerously Cold Temperatures
Every year, the Memphremagog Winter Swim Festival in Vermont brings swimmers from around the country to participate in a winter swim competition in frigid waters. Local swimmers Laurie and Amy Craigen went up this year with a group from the L Street Bath House in South Boston to join the tradition. They joined Jim Braude to talk about what drove them to take the plunge.

IMHO: Paid Sick Leave
Jim Braude shares his thoughts on a workplace policy that should have been implemented by all employers nationwide long ago.