Where Will The Democratic Race Go From Here Following Biden’s Super Tuesday Jump?
Former Vice President Joe Biden jumped from a candidate seemingly on the outs to the apparent Democratic frontrunner after his strong Super Tuesday showing. Will he be able to continue the momentum? How will the Sanders campaign shift its approach? And now that Michael Bloomberg has dropped out and endorsed him, what calculation will Senator Elizabeth Warren make? To discuss, Jim Braude was joined by Boston City Council President Kim Janey; former independent candidate for governor Evan Falchuk, now chair and CEO of Village Plan; and Gautam Mukunda, a Harvard Kennedy School fellow and author of ‘Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter.’

Could Combating Ageism Help Tackle Senior Poverty?
Seniors make up one of the fastest growing populations in Massachusetts, and are expected to make up nearly a quarter of the population within fifteen years. In a state with a high cost of living, retirees face a sobering challenge: trying to make ends meet. Liz Neisloss talks to two seniors who are at vastly different ends of the senior spectrum about how changing societal attitudes around aging can help.

Is There A Such Thing As Too Old To Be President?
Between the Democratic field and President Trump, it’s a guarantee that the next president of the United States will be in his or her seventies, and candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden have particularly well-known verbal flubs that some critics have pointed to as signs of cognitive decline. Is there a such thing as too old to be president? Jim Braude was joined by Jacquelyn James, director of the Sloan Research Network on Aging & Work at Boston College; and Elizabeth Dugan, associate professor of gerontology at UMass Boston and a member of the Governor’s Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts.

IMHO: Too Small To Jail
Jim Braude shares his thoughts on the shameful practice of arresting children, sometimes for something as small as a temper tantrum at school.