Andrea Cabral, former secretary of public safety and sheriff of Suffolk County, joined Boston Public Radio on Thursday to speak about the conviction this week of Harvey Weinstein. While on his way to Rikers Island jail on Monday, Weinstein was diverted to Bellevue Hosptial in Manhattan due to high blood pressure.

"Right now he's in Bellevue, which is a regular hospital but has a prison ward," Cabral said. "I'm sure that he's going to do everything he possibly can to feign as much sickness as possible to keep himself in the infirmary."

Cabral predicted that Weinstein will be given protective custody once in prison.

"They're going to have to keep him in some sort of protective custody," she said. "His accommodations will still be better than the accommodations of people who are in the general population when he goes there in Rikers."

Cabral is the former secretary of public safety and sheriff of Suffolk County. She is currently the CEO of Ascend.