Who Decides Who’s Electable? After latecomer Deval Patrick dropped out of the Democratic primary race, he blamed the media for what he called an unfair narrative about his prospects. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren also issued their own critiques of how cable news covered their campaigns in the New Hampshire primary.

News Orgs Rethink Using Mugshots: Many news outlets have regular mugshot galleries on their websites, and the clicks often draw in significant revenue. But some news outlets are starting to rethink the practice, given the fact that the notoriety from arrest photos can live forever.

New York Times Apologizes After Scooping Partners: In November, the New York Times published a blockbuster story about mass detentions of Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region, but it turns out the Times was also collaborating with other news outlets on the same story — meaning the paper scooped its own partners.

Rants & Raves: 02/14/2020: The panel reviews this week in media.

On this week’s edition of Beat The Press, Emily Rooney was joined by Adam Reilly of WGBH New; former U.S. News & World Report editor Lylah Alphonse; Jon Keller of WBZ News; and Callie Crossley of WGBH News.