A #MeToo Hearing In the Nation’s Capital
With much of the nation watching, Christine Blasey Ford told her story Thursday, saying she is 100 percent certain that the person who assaulted her was Brett Kavanaugh. Five hours later, it was Brett Kavanaugh's turn to defend himself against the charges, angrily accusing Senate Democrats of replacing “advise and consent with search and destroy.” Will the testimony from either be a game changer? Jim Braude was joined by Attorney Kristen Gibbons Feden, who just successfully prosecuted the Bill Cosby case.

Ballot Question 3 Debate
Question 3, a referendum on the 2016 law that made it illegal to discriminate against people based on their gender identity in public places, is back on the Massachusetts ballot. A “yes” vote would uphold the state law, while a “no” vote would repeal the anti-discrimination law. Jim Braude was joined by Mimi Lemay, a representative for the "Yes on 3" campaign and mother of a transgender son, and Andrew Beckwith, a legal analyst with the "No on 3" campaign.

IMHO: #MeToo Is Just The Start
Jim Braude gives his thoughts on how the famously accused #MeToo men are just the start for America’s reckoning with widespread sexual assault.