Special counsel Robert Mueller has nearly 50 different questions he would like to ask President Donald Trump, which someone leaked to the New York Times. The questions are broad and focused on multiple scandals from Trump’s first year as President, including the high-profile firings of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former FBI Director James Comey.

In response, Trump took to Twitter, writing: "So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were 'leaked' to the media. No questions on Collusion. Oh, I see...you have a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!"

Jim Braude was joined by former Attorney General and federal organized crime prosecutor, Martha Coakley, now partner at Foley Hoag, and former Assistant U.S. Attorney Bruce Singal, now partner at Barrett & Singal to discuss.