Coastal casualties have almost become routine: Beloved  Plum Island homes devoured by rising seas; Nantucket mansions  picked up and moved inland; Scituate homes continually rebuilt after being hit again and again by the Atlantic.

Now, a new sea-level rise and coastal  flood mapping tool for New England illustrates in stark detail the economic risks facing the region as sea levels swell, in large part from climate change.

More than $32 billion in property in the region's five coastal states  is  at risk of extreme coastal flooding – and that is after accounting for protections from dams and other flood control structures, according to the analysis by  Climate Central, a climate research organization.

“Sea level rise is the impact that gives climate change an address,” said Ben Strauss, the scientists who led development of the  Surging Seas interactive map. “We want to give citizens, businesses, planners and leaders the clearest possible map of risk…We've put a very high proportion of our homes, our infrastructure and our economy in low-lying areas near the coast."

The group recently added New England to its  mapping tool to illustrate how much sea levels are expected  to rise  in states, counties and neighborhoods, including the number of residents and homes that are at risk. An explanation at how they arrived at their projections are here.

The rate of sea level rise in New England and globally is accelerating and scientists predict roughly 2 to 7 feet more sea-level rise this century. Storm surges layer on top of those higher seas, pushing water further inland and damaging properties. Strauss says his team was surprised “how concentrated the region’s total sea level rise and coastal flooding risk is in the greater Boston area.

We were also surprised by how important a handful of dams appear to be for protecting property at lower flood levels.” Here are some findings:

  • In Massachusetts, 47,888 people live on land that is exposed to four-foot floods. Of this total, 17,662 are considered highly vulnerable, based on social and economic criteria. There is a 67 percent chance of a four-foot high flood in Boston by 2030.
  • In Rhode Island, more than $4.3 billion worth of property lies on land less than five feet above the high tide line. There is a 1 in 3 chance of a flood that high in Newport by 2040.
  • In New Hampshire, $1.08 billion worth of state property lies on land less than four feet above the high tide line. There is a 40 percent chance of a flood that high by 2040. • In Maine, 58,379 acres of land are situated four feet above the high tide line. There is a 40 percent chance of a flood that high in Portland by 2040.
  • In Connecticut, $14.9 billion in property and 53,406 people are situated on land that is less than 6 feet above the high tide line. There is a 1 in 3 chance of a flood that high in Bridgeport by 2040.