Today on Boston Public Radio:

We began the show by asking listeners if Americans would have the same courage as Ukrainians if Russia invaded.

Jenifer McKim and Vanessa Rosa talked about a recent investigative report into receiverships in Springfield, which has led to some people losing their homes. McKim is a senior investigative reporter at the GBH News center for investigative reporting. Rosa is an Assistant Professor of Latina/o Studies at Mount Holyoke, where she studies racism and urban inequality in cities.

Jenifer McKim and Vanessa Rosa on BPR | March 11, 2022

Callie Crossley discussed what’s at stake with inaccuracies in the 2020 census and the history of a World War II unit made up completely of Black women receiving posthumous Congressional medals. Crossley hosts GBH’s Under the Radar and Basic Black.

Callie Crossley on BPR | March 11, 2022

Katherine Tallman updated listeners on the latest with Coolidge Corner Theatre, and how the movie theater industry is managing two years into the pandemic. Tallman is the CEO and Executive Director of the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline.

Katherine Tallman on BPR | March 11, 2022

Shirley Leung shared different ways to think about hybrid work and talked about anti-Russian sentiments affecting local businesses. Leung is a business columnist for the Boston Globe.

Shirley Leung on BPR | March 11, 2022

Sue O’Connell weighed in on backlash against Disney’s tepid response to anti-LGBTQ legislation in Florida, and a new type of spider coming to New England. O’Connell is the co-publisher of Bay Windows and South End News, and contributor to Current, on NBC L-X and NECN.

Sue O'Connell on BPR | March 11, 2022

We ended the show by asking listeners their thoughts on why Americans do not embrace bidets like other countries.