Today on Boston Public Radio:

— Media Maven Sue O’Connell weighed in on how state officials are handling the coronavirus pandemic.

— We opened our lines to check in on callers, asking how you’re doing in these worrisome times.

— Dr. Thomas Tsai, surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, discussed the latest news on how hospitals are preparing for the expected surge in COVID-19 cases.

— TV expert Bob Thompson discussed how COVID-19 is changing the TV landscape, from late-night hosts broadcasting from home to ESPN’s coverage of stone skipping and sign twirling.

— We re-opened lines to hear your opinions on whether a full-scale shutdown is the best way the handle the COVID-19 pandemic.

— Journalist and author Sy Montgomery discussed the ways pets and zoo animals are keeping us sane through stay-at-home measures.

— We opened our lines once more to continue the COVID conversation with listeners.