Haven’t made Valentine’s Day plans yet? GBH News has got you covered!

We spoke with two local relationship experts about their suggestions on how to spend the day celebrating love, whether you forgot to make a dinner reservation with your longtime partner, you're in a new relationship or if you're spending the day solo.

Going out to eat isn’t the only option, said Monica O’Neal, a Boston-based psychologist and relationship expert. You can cook with your partner at home or order your favorite kind of food.

Her biggest piece of advice? Do something as a couple that you two already enjoy doing together.

“Anything that allows you to just both have fun or something that is specific to your relationship that allows the two of you to connect, that’s the way to go,” O’Neal said. “That’s what Valentine's Day should be about.”

South Boston-based dating coach Michelle Wax suggests each partner throw different date ideas in a hat, and pick one to make the day more exciting. Whether it be a night at an improv show, mini golfing or going to a brewery, what matters is spending time together.

“You have to be on the same page about it.”
Michelle Wax, dating coach

Other fun ideas on how to spend the night? O’Neal suggests bowling, karaoke, trivia at a local bar or roller skating.

O’Neal said you also don’t need to stress about your special day being on the day of St. Valentine — what matters is the time spent with your partner, so feel free to move your dinner to another day this week if that’s what works for you both.

New relationship jitters?

If you’re in the early days, O’Neal suggests talking to your partner about your expectations for the day.

“If you like to celebrate Valentine's Day, say to them, ‘I really, really want to do something. Let’s not spend a lot of money, but let’s do something that just can feel like really fun and maybe memorable for us,” O’Neal said. “You have to be on the same page about it.”

Wax suggests keeping Valentine’s Day light if your relationship is fresh.

“I actually recommend often early in relationships not to do the super formal dinner,” Wax said. “Especially if you're still kind of deciding if you want to be in a full fledged relationship with someone. It could be as simple as going to see a movie or just walking around the city and exploring.”

Or, make it a self-care day

If you’re spending Valentine’s Day solo, O’Neal suggests having a cozy day to yourself: Binge a favorite TV show, order your favorite meal or read a good book.

“Really take an opportunity in the comfort of your own home and in your PJs to give yourself a moment of self-reflection, which is probably one of the most loving things you can really do for your own self,” she said. “It’s okay to feel lonely on these days where we have greeting cards and marketing — it’s okay to acknowledge a sense of loneliness or a sense of yearning.”

Wax said it’s best to focus on celebrating the love you have in your life on Valentine’s Day, instead of comparing yourself to others around you.

“I always recommend you can spend the day with some friends and to be surrounded by another form of love right through your friendships,” she said. “Or maybe it's through your family and having that support.”