Matt Baskin is the assignment editor for GBH News. Feedback? Questions? Story ideas? Reach out to Matt at matt_baskin@wgbh.org.

Amanda Beland was the lead producer of WGBH News' In It Together, and an associate producer with WGBH News' All Things Considered until 2021.
May 01, 2020
Updated August 09, 2023
Tonight, host Arun Rath talked about efforts to manage the mental health of healthcare workers at Tufts Medical Center with Dr. Neha Sharma.
Then, we heard about conflicts with older adults and family members on WGBH News Tori Bedford's regular segment "The Check-In."
Finally, we learned about another angle of this pandemic: the cancellation of the school spring sports season. We heard from a couple athletes and an athletic director who spoke about how this pandemic has robbed many students of experiences they can never get back.
Dr. Neha Sharma - 2:45
Tori Bedford - 16:36
Esteban Bustillios - 31:48
Ayleen Hiciano - 36:33
Avery Esdaile - 45:10

Matt Baskin is the assignment editor for GBH News. Feedback? Questions? Story ideas? Reach out to Matt at matt_baskin@wgbh.org.

Amanda Beland was the lead producer of WGBH News' In It Together, and an associate producer with WGBH News' All Things Considered until 2021.
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In It Together