It’s another week, which means another episode of The Check In, where we share perspectives from listeners as part of our effort to connect people from across the state and beyond.

Next week, we’re looking for stories about romance in the time of coronavirus — good or bad first-time Facetime dates, budding romances during social distancing, or the toll that working, parenting, and 24/7 quarantining might have on a relationship. If you have a story to share, send a voice memo to with “The Check In” in the subject line.

This week, we asked you to send us things that made you laugh, despite everything: the absurd, the mundane, the ridiculous.

We heard from someone who sent a memo about how they couldn’t think of anything funny, because finding humor in their life right now seems “impossible.” One Acton family is getting by while making light of their deteriorating personal hygiene. A Cambridge resident has found creative ways to turn warehouse PPE equipment into a "Mad Max" outfit for the grocery store. Host Arun Rath introduces us to his love of the television show "Red Dwarf." A small corgi has introduced a massive amount of … gaseous emissions to his small quarantine family; a man discovers that he’s run out of things to talk to his extended family about on Facetime; and a drum circle keeps meeting up together, while keeping their (six feet) of distance.

As always, if you have a story to share and you’d like to be a part of the program, send a voice memo to .