• We opened up the lines and asked you about sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Harvard Business School historian Nancy Koehn looked back at the financial crisis of 2008 ten years later and asked: Could this happen again?
  • Homeland security expert Juliette Kayyem looked at the damage from Hurricane Florence and a deadly shark attack on Cape Cod.
  • Medical ethicist Arthur Caplan discussed the new leadership at Planned Parenthood and analyzed a recent study about alcohol's harmful health impacts.
  • Social scientist Mike Norton believes there are two ways to experience happiness: in the moment, enjoying what you’re doing right now, or by reminiscing on a happy time in the past. We asked you: Are you more of the sentimentalist and enjoy reminiscing, or do you prefer to feel your happiness in real time?
  • Naturalist Sy Montgomery explained why the squirrel population is booming and shared other wacky and wonderful stories from the Animal Kingdom.