As the Patriots face the Eagles Sunday, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has temporarily renamed his conference space from “The Eagle Room” to “The Belichick Room.” Walsh and Police Commissioner Bill Evans met with reporters there today to discuss plans to ensure a safe, post-Super Bowl city.
Walsh asked fans to be smart and responsible on Sunday, and Evans detailed the police plans to keep fans in the city safe, including crowd observation using officers on the street and a lot of cameras.
The police will also close some streets downtown starting in the game's third quarter.
The commissioner said they are always on the lookout for new threats, including the nightmare scenario of someone driving a vehicle into a crowd, as has happened in New York, Paris, and Charlottesville. But he said the police's plan was essentially the same it’s been the past two Super Bowls.
"We don't anticipate any issues. When they beat Arizona we had no issues, when they beat Seattle we didn't," said Evans. "This plan has worked very well."
Walsh asked Bostonians to be respectful, regardless of the game's outcome.
"We're Boston. We're better than other cities," he said. "Let's make sure that we win or lose [with] respect."