In this week’s edition of “Beat the Press,” Emily Rooney and her panel take up whether a science reporter can hold views that are outside that of the mainstream scientific community, if the media should continue to count on Kellyanne Conway as a credible White House spokesperson, how much the media should cover terror attacks and whether we should be done with the White House Correspondents' Dinner—plus the panel's rants and raves of the week. This week’s panel includes Dan Kennedy ( @dankennedy_nu), of Northeastern University, Callie Crossley ( @calliecrossley) of WGBH News, Dan Lothian ( @danlothiantv), former CNN White House correspondent, and Tom Fiedler ( @BUCOMDEAL), of Boston University.
Scientific Inquiry - Can a science reporter hold views outside the mainstream scientific community when it comes to vaccines and climate change? Here is Mish Michaels' statement to "Beat the Press."
Getting Flak - Is Kellyanne Conway a credible White House spokesperson?
Terror Reporting - How much should the media cover terror attacks?
May We Be Excused? - Some call to put an end to the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Rants & Raves - The panelists offer their rants and raves over some of what happened in the media world this past week