It's a heart-breaking exodus as thousands of residents of Aleppo are forced from their homes.  This is the latest chapter in the Syrian civil war.  Since last week, tens of thousands of the city’s residents have been evacuated from areas held by rebels who oppose Syrian President Assad.  This is part of a deal that was brokered by Turkey and Russia, which support Assad.  As early as today, Assad's troops are expected to take full control of Aleppo.  Caught in middle of all of this are families who have lived in fear, and who now have no place to call home.  The scope of the disaster is staggering. So far, it is estimated the civil war has created four million refugees. A quarter of a million people have died.  Adam Reilly ( @reillyadam) talks to Nahuel Arenas  of Oxfam America ( @oxfamamerica), Stephen Kinzer ( @stephenkinzer), a senior fellow at Brown University’s Watson Institute, and Nadia Alawa ( @nadiaalawa), founder and president of NuDay Syria, about what can be done to help the refugees.

Could the gender of a doctor play a role in whether a patient gets better, faster?  A new study out of the Harvard School of Public Health has determined it might.  Researchers studied both mortality and hospital re-admission rates for a group of elderly patients and found that those treated by a woman doctor fared better.  Adam talks to one of the authors of the study, Dr. Ashish Jha ( @ashishjha), about the findings, as well as Dr. Laura Burke ( @bidmchealth) of the Beth Israel Deaconess E.R.

Arts Editor Jared Bowen ( @jaredWGBH) talks to Mark Wahlberg ( @mark_wahlberg) and director Peter Berg about their new film “Patriots Day” ( @PatriotsDayFilm), a dramatization of the Boston Marathon Bombings.  The film opens tomorrow.