A power struggle between Massachusetts' top legislative leaders is becoming increasingly public. It's about the rules that determine which bills make it to the floor.
Senate President Stan Rosenberg says the joint-committee structure gives the House more power. Last month he took his cause to Twitter and Facebook.
Responding in a Boston Globe op-ed, House Speaker Bob Deleo slammed Rosenberg's rules proposal as "disruptive" and "detrimental." Deleo says he wrote such a strongly worded editorial, "Because of some of the public comments that were coming from the Senate, in terms of going on the social media. It was time for people to hear our side of the story."
Now, Rosenberg --- who only took over the Senate in January --- is trying to take the moral high ground.
"I respect the Speaker's opinions and feelings.," said Rosenberg. "We'll stick to a conversation about how to solve the problem."
It's unusual for a spat between two Democratic leaders to become so public. And Deleo says it's not over.
Said the Speaker, "I have no reason to believe we're any closer to resolution."