

  • Art Caplan , fresh from WHO conference in Geneva on Ebola, updated us on preparedness and checked in with about the "ignorance is bliss" approach many people are taking about medical ailments. Then we talk to you to see if you believe knowledge is power when it comes to your heath, or if you'd prefer to be kept in the dark.
  • Juliette Kayyem on John Adams' The Death of Klinghoffer , the importance of having an 'Ebola Czar,' and how Rascal Flatts fits into the picture. [53:10]
  • Brian McGrory checks in with us about Jim and Margery's governor's debate , as well as the one Chuck Todd moderated between Scott Brown and Jeanne Shaheen. [1:20:05]
  • Heather Goldstone joined us to discuss the complex (but not untenable) relationship between religion and science. [1:44:40]
  • Sue O'Connell drops by to talk about her decision to home school her middle schooler, then we ask you what you think about homeschooling. [2:05:10]