The race for governor took a dramatic turn when a Super PAC backing Republican Charlie Baker released an ad with some damning claims about Democrat Martha Coakley's record.

“More than 50 children, abused, neglected, lives cut short, all while under the care of the Massachusetts department of children and families”

This ad goes on to blame Coakley for the problems at DCF. The ad was funded by a PAC backing Republican Charley Baker.

At a press conference Coakley angrily demanded that Baker ask for the ad to be removed. She broke from her normally reserved style and choked up at one point.

" I will challenge Charlie baker and his republican allies to come forth.  Don’t stand on the sidelines behind an anonymous Super PAC and make allegations that are untrue."

Later in the day, Baker called an  impromptu press conference himself.  He was asked repeatedly whether he would call for the ad to be taken down. Baker didn’t answer the question, instead saying he didn’t like the ad's tone.