The following are a selection of exhibits entered into evidence at the trial of James "Whitey" Bulger Monday, among them several photos of Bulger meeting with Kevin Weeks and Steve "The Rifleman" Flemmi at Castle Island.

Agreement to Sell the South Boston Liquor Mart to Kevin Weeks, and silent partner James "Whitey" Bulger:

The South Boston Liquor Mart, or "Stippo's":

Org Chart of the South Boston Drug Network:

Bulger and Weeks Walk at Castle Island:

Bulger, Weeks and Flemmi Meet at Castle Island:

"Paychecks" Allegedly Used to Launder Money to Bulger, Weeks and Flemmi:

The Car in Which Brian Halloran and Michael Donohue Were Murdered, Parked Footsteps from the Current Location of the Moakley Courthouse:

Location of a Gun "Hide" in South Boston:

Guns Found in the "Hide":

The Former Triple O's Lounge on West Broadway, an Alleged Bulger HQ: