On Script: Sinclair is defending a decision requiring anchors at all its 173 owned stations to read a statement decrying “fake news” and “bias” coverage — describing it as a mere mission statement. But others in the press, including some at Sinclair-owned stations, have likened it to propaganda.
Caravan Coverage: President Trump’s tweets about a “caravan” of migrants does not paint a full picture of what’s happening in Central America and many in the press didn’t explain it very well either. 
Boycott!: Did an ad boycott of Laura Ingraham’s show go too far after she mocked a Parkland, Florida student who did not get into his college of choice?
Rants and Raves:  A review of the week in media.
On this week’s edition of Beat the Press, Emily Rooney was joined by Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University, freelance journalist Joanna Weiss, former CNN White House correspondent Dan Lothian, and Josh Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab.