• The host of ABC's "Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin," Jeff Corwin joined us to talk about President Trump's war on wildlife, which Corwin recently wrote about for The Hill.  Jeff Corwin's latest book is "100 Heartbeats: The Race to Save Earth’s Most Endangered Species."
  • We opened the lines to hear what you think about the legislature tinkering with the marijuana legalization laws. 
  • MIT economist Jon Gruber discussed the Republican health care bill.
  • Entrepreneur and author Tony Tjan joined us to talk about his new book, GOOD PEOPLE.
  • WGBH's Arts Editor was on hand to discuss the new developments in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist. 
  • Harvard Business School historian Nancy Koehn joined us to talk about the legacy of Rachel Carson
  • During a meeting yesterday, Trump's cabinet members took the opportunity to praise him in an unprecedented display of ego-stroking.