- First he was a "showboat," then he was a "nut job," and now President Trump is tweeting that James Comey is “very cowardly.” We asked immediate past president of the Boston branch of the NAACP Michael Curry and conservative political analyst Jennifer Braceras —will the President also have some choice words for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, after he testifies before the Senate Intelligence Community?
- Last June a majority of British voters defied expectations by voting in favor of Brexit. Last week, confounding expectations again, did they vote for Trexit? Will Prime Minister Theresa May have to step down, now that her snap election has backfired with her Conservative Party losing its parliamentary majority? We asked Executive Director of The GroundTruth Project and news analyst Charles Sennott about these headlines and more.
- When it comes to being a successful writer, most of them swear by the adage “write what you know.” Is what’s true for writing also true for public health professionals? In It the case of Michael Botticelli, it certainly is. Recovering from alcohol addiction, Botticelli served as The White House’s director of national drug control policy during the Obama Administration. He knows first hand what it means to be addicted and what it takes to get sober. It’s invaluable background for someone who has been working to steer people who have addiction problems away from the criminal justice system and into treatment and support programs. Botticelli has returned to Boston to run Boston Medical Center’s new Grayken Center for Addiction Medicine, which aims to become a national leader in fighting opioid abuse.
- Before Ben Affleck, George Clooney, and Michael Keaton donned Batman’s cape and cowl, there was Adam West, the original Batman, whose screwball and straight-faced portrayal turned the cape crusader into a pop-culture hero. TV Guru Bob Thompson is a professor and founding director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at the Newhouse School of Public communications at Syracuse. He joined us to remember West.
- For the first time ever, more voters are now in favor of impeaching Donald Trump than are opposed to impeaching the president: 48 percent approve, 41 percent don’t, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey. We opened the lines to ask you, how envious were you of the UK’s snap election last week? A chance for a do-over? An opportunity to hit that proverbial reset button?
- After 40 years, religious liberals opted out of politics — now they want back in. Reverends Irene Monroe and Emmett G. Price III joined us for that and more on All Revved Up.
- We all have that one person in our life who is always late, and if you think that person is stressed out about not being on time, you’re wrong — the stress is most likely on you. According to a new study, people who are chronically late aren’t lazy, rather, they are overly optimistic about how much time they have, and this optimism not only extends their lifespans but makes them more predisposed to being successful. We opened the lines to ask you: are you the person who always shows up early for something? Is that a symptom of being a worry wort? Of assuming the worst will always happen? Are you someone who is chronically late because you think it will take only 5 minutes to walk from Central Square to Harvard Square…when it’s more like 15?

AP Photo/Tim Ireland