Severe Revere elected officials are urging Massachusetts residents to cast a ‘no’ vote on Ballot Question 1, which, if passed, would pave the way for the construction of a new slot parlor in that city.

Speaking at a press conference in front of Revere City Hall Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Brian Arrigo noted that he’s supported gaming in the past. But he added that he doesn’t trust Eugene McCain—the man who’s pushing Question 1, and hopes to build a slot parlor and hotel in land currently occupied by a run-down trailer park.  

“The proponents are attempting to pull a fast one on Revere voters,” Arrigo said. “This proposal is poorly written, poorly conceived, and haphazardly concocted. It includes nothing about the benefits to Revere, either in contributions to the city, in infrastructure improvements, or in jobs for Revere residents.”

Arrigo also raised questions about who's funding the Yes to 1 campaign, which has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Delaware-based limited liability company, Capital Productions LLC.

Arrigo was joined at his press conference by two state legislators, as well as members of Revere's city council and school committee.

Earlier in the week, Jason Osborne, the chairman of the Yes to 1 campaign, told WGBH News that the proposed facility would target Revere residents for employment, and be a catalyst for economic growth throughout the city.

"We want to return it to kind of the Revere of olden day [sic], where you had entertainment venues, and people could come down and play on the beach, and take their kids to the amusement park," Osborne said.

"By bringing an electronic gaming facility here, just like has been done in Bangor, Maine, or in Plainville, it's revitalized the economy in those areas," Osborne added. "And I think we can make Revere again prosperous, and bring back a lot of businesses that have left."

Yes to one has yet to respond to WGBH News' request for more information about Capital Productions LLC.