
  • Michael Botticelli , Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, joins Jim and Margery to discuss marijuana legalization, and give some updates on the "war on drugs."
  • Paul Reville stops by to discuss the importance of connections in addition to a good education.
  • Andrea Cabral responds to Hillary Clinton's response to Donald Trump's racist comments as well as the fact that 95% of US Prosecutors are white.
  • Alex Beam joins us to share why the dishwasher is the new American hearth, and he explains the unpardonable sin.
  • Kara Miller drops in to talk about screen addition. In China, screen addiction is considered a clinical disorder, and rehab facilities are been built to deal with it. 
  • Is everything that you love about the summer, the sheer aerodynamics of wearing fewer garments completely undone by our addiction to air conditioning? We see what you think.
  • We dig into Harper Lee's new book with Deep South author, and regular BPR listener,  Paul Theroux .