Yoda, Chewbacca and a phalanx of stormtroopers are telling people all over the Internet "May the fourth be with you" today, as fans of the Star Wars franchise celebrate all things that emanate from a galaxy far, far away.
As you would expect from a quasi-holiday that's drawn from a pun, May 4 brings a flood of cute ideas to social media. It's also a good excuse to dress up as an Ewok. NASA is taking the whole enterprise to a new level, with a flurry of tweets that show how "science fiction is now science fact!"
The postings are coming at a steady rate — check out the #MayThe4thBeWithYou hashtag on Twitter , Instagram or Facebook .
In other recent Star Wars news, Krishnadev posted last month on the new trailer for the upcoming movie The Force Awakens. And we recently wrote about what seems to have been a surprise sighting of Yoda in a 14-century manuscript.
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