• As more and more powerful people fail to hold themselves accountable, we ask you what you think.
  • Congressman Mike Capuano j oins us to explain why Nancy Pelosi and the democratic leadership should be reelected, why the US should not negotiate with ISIS, and his thoughts on Boston as an Olympic host city.
  • President Jimmy Carter discusses his new book, Call to Action  which argues that discrimination and violence against women are at the heart of human rights problems around the world.
  • The White House has released a statement reviewing it's policy to not negotiate with terrorists who take hostages. We ask you what you think.
  • Nancy Koehn  drops by to discuss the disparity of paternity leave. Why don't Americans value Dad's who are involved and engaged in their children? We talk to you to see what you think?
  • James Carroll  helps us understand the complexity of Christian/Jewish relations in his new book, Christ Actually .