We are in Ferguson, Mo., at Wellspring Church to hear from the community in the aftermath of the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Together with St. Louis Public Radio, we are also hosting a Twitter chat using #BeyondFerguson. This is an opportunity to share your reactions, ideas and frustrations, as well as talk about ways to move forward. (Scroll down to see participants.)
Walter Kimbrough ( @HipHopPrez), president of Dillard University
Carletta Hurt ( @CarlettaHurt), middle school counselor and founder of IN THE LOOP Program of Success
Lenny McAllister ( @LennyMcAllister), Republican strategist and host of Get Right With Lenny McAllister
Bridget Johnson ( @Bridget_PJM), Washington editor at PJ Media, NPR contributor
Rey Junco ( @ReyJunco), associate professor of education and human computer interaction at Iowa State University and a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Mark Anthony Neal ( @NewBlackMan), professor of African-American studies at Duke University
Patrick Gusman ( @Lancieux), business executive and president of Equal Footing Foundation
Maria Cardona ( @MariaTCardona), Democratic strategist at the Dewey Square Group and founder of Latinovations
Danielle Belton ( @blacksnob), Washington, D.C.-based writer
Roxann Stafford ( @jroxann), design strategist and social entrepreneur enabler
Kelsey Proud and Erica Smith of St. Louis Public Radio will tweet from @StlPublicRadio. NPR's Davar Ardalan, Frederica Boswell and John Ketchum will also tweet throughout the evening from @NPRMichel.
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