Here's the plan for our Election Night coverage:

-- Starting between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., we'll be live-blogging. Not here in The Two-Way, but right on the homefront of and on our "Election Night 2012" results page. If all goes as planned, our updates should flow on to your screen automatically.

-- NPR's live broadcast begins at 8 p.m. ET. It will be streamed on and will go out over the air on most NPR member stations. Click here to find one near you. The show's scheduled to go until 3 a.m. ET Wednesday — but could go longer if need be.

When will we know who won the race for the White House? There's still time for you to get your prediction in.

Update at 12:45 a.m. ET, Nov. 7: If you thought we'd hear before midnight who won the White House, you were right.

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